Ranks System


The following ranks and/or info are subject to change


Flight Officer (FOF): you recieve this rank upon entering the service.

2nd Lieutenant (2LT): you are promoted to this rank after showing your activity after running one mission.

1st Lieutenant (1LT): you are promoted to this rank after showing dedication and devotion to FireHawk Squadron.

Captian (CPT): you are promoted to this rank after showing iniative, leadership, and dedication.

Major (MAJ): you are promoted to this rank for showing extreme dedication, skill, and leadership and coming up with new ideas for the benefit of the squadron. Also you are awarded this rank when recieving the posistion of Second Officer in a Squadron.

Lieutenant Commander (LCM): you are promoted to this rank for showing leadership, responsiblity, and are constantly active. Also you are awarded this rank when recieving the posistion of Executive Officer in a Squadron.

Commander (COM): you are promoted to this rank for being invovled in activities, creating activities, and all of the foremetioned attributes. Also you are awarded this rank when recieving the posistion of Commanding Officer in a Squadron.

Lieutenant Colonel (LCL): you are promoted to this rank for recieving the posistion of Second Officer in a Wing. (To Be Expanded)

Colonel (COL): you are promoted to this rank for recieving the posistion of Executive Officer in a Wing. (TBE)

Brigadier General (BGN): you are promoted to this rank for recieving the posistion of Commanding Officer in a Wing. (TBE)

Lieutenant General (LGN): you are promoted to this rank for recieving the posistion of Second Officer in a Sector Fleet. (TBE)

General (GEN): you are promoted to this rank for recieving the posistion of Excutive Officer in a Sector Fleet. (TBE)

Sector Admiral (SAD): you are promoted to this rank for recieving the posistion of Commanding Officer in a Sector Fleet. (TBE)

Rear Admiral (RAD): you are promoted to this rank for recieving the posistion of Second Officer in a Fleet. (TBE)

Admiral (AMD): you are promoted to this rank for recieving the posistion of Executive Officer in a Fleet. (TBE)

Fleet Admiral (FAD): you are promoted to this rank for recieving the posistion of Commanding Officer in a Fleet. (TBE)


Posistions Aside From Rank


Minister of Justice (MoJ): the person who makes sure all regulations and rules are followed.

Minister of External Affairs (MoEA): person who heads all recuiting progects, and oversees affilation with other clubs.

Minister of Internal Affairs (MoIA): person who looks after the internal operation of the club.

Minister of Communications (MoC): person who looks after our communication methods and creates new ones.

Assistant Minister of "X" (Asst. Mo"X"): a person who assists the minister preform his/her duties.

Agent of the Office of the Minister of "X" (Agent of Mo"X"): an agent of a ministry.

Project Co-Ordinator: the co-ordinator of a project or new experimental division.


Joining Info

CO's Desk

XO's Desk

Squadron Alliance Ships


